Starter Area

The Starter Area is the first point of connection in players' Personal Metaverse. All players have access to these starter areas, where they can decorate and place vendors and storage units within them.

Features and Advantages of the Starter Area

Decorative Options: The Starter Area provides players with the opportunity to decorate and customize the space, creating unique and memorable interiors.

  • Creativity: Players can express their creativity using various decor items and stylistic elements.

  • Atmosphere Creation: The Starter Area allows for the creation of an atmosphere that reflects the player's personality.

Interaction with Game Mechanics: The Starter Area is an important part of the game mechanics, providing players with convenient access to trade and resource management.

  • Resource Management: Storage and vendors in the Starter Area make resource management more convenient and efficient.

  • Trade and Economy: The ability to place vendors allows players to participate in the economic life of CyberVerse, trading with other players and accumulating wealth.

Basic Platform for Expansion: The Starter Area serves as a foundation for the further expansion and development of the Personal Metaverse.

  • Starting Platform: With the Starter Area, players can begin expanding their Personal Metaverse by connecting additional Lands and workshops.

  • Expansion and Development: Players can use the Starter Area as a starting point for creating larger and more complex spaces in their universe.


The Starter Area in CyberVerse offers players unique opportunities for creating, decorating, and managing their personal spaces in the virtual universe. This initial area serves as an important platform for further development and interaction with game mechanics, providing players with all the necessary tools for a successful start and expansion of their Personal Metaverse.

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